How We Help
The ways we have been doing it

Hot Food
Sadaka provides twice a week a nutritional and warm meal alongside a bottle of water, a bag of crisps, a cereal bar, a fruit, and a dessert.

Help & Guidance
We have launched an ESFA and ESF funded training program called "StepUp With Sadaka" to help service users take up courses that teach basic employability skills.

Get Help
If you are facing hardship or going through tough times, Sadaka can support you by providing a freshly cooked hot meal, long-life food, and a nice chat with a friendly team of volunteers.
Also, our training program StepUpWithSadaka, can help you improve your language, IT, and other useful employable skills.

Sadaka Events
Keep up to date with everything that's happening at Sadaka.

Food Distribution
Every Saturday
Fairview Community Centre 90b Great Knolly's Street, Reading, RG1 7HL

Wellbeing Café
Fairview Community Centre 90b Great Knolly's Street, Reading, RG1 7HL

StepUp Project
Every Saturday
Fairview Community Centre 90b Great Knolly's Street, Reading, RG1 7HL

Our Partners
We want to take the time to express our gratitude to our partners for their generous donations their support and guidance.
Their commitment and continued contribution are giving the less privileged a sense of belonging and hope for a better future.

Contact Us
Copyright © 2020, Sadaka. Registered Charity No. 1171075.